From a review by Louis Bayard in the July 31st edition of the Post:
“Jamie Malanowski’s satirical novel will be required summer reading for C-SPAN watchers, who will happily sniff out the veiled allusions to, oh, Dennis Hastert, Sam Donaldson, Arlen Specter, Michael Beschloss, Peggy Noonan, Bill Gates, Arianna Huffington, Matt Drudge and on and on. (Surely, novels like these should start providing indexes.) Fortunately, if the gawkers read a bit more closely, they will also find a knowing dissection of the media-politics nexus. Nobody, to my knowledge, has better nailed the fatuity of the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner: “The media spent 364 days a year actively gunning for Washington’s officials, then on the 365th, everybody on each side put on tuxedos and party dresses and pretended to lavish respect on one another, which they did by pointedly mocking the foibles, errors, and gaffes of the other.”‘
You can read the complete review, in which Louis (no slouch in the writing department himself) can’t stop himself from calling me things like a “knowing” writer, “savvy” observer and “skillful” plotsmith, by clicking here.